Halloween is one of those holidays where decorating can go in two very different directions. Some people focus on the spooky and scary {think lots of skeletons and black} while others go more for the fun, non-scary stuff {candy corn and pumpkins}. We have two young kids so you can guess which way we tend to lean. This year, H is getting to the age where she likes to really be involved in just about everything that I am doing. So, we decided to focus some of our Halloween crafts on things she could easily help with like this candy corn pennant banner.
This is a super simple craft that you can get your kids to help with or just do on your own.
Start with some triangles for painting. Mine were pre-cut mdf triangles that I picked up from Pick Your Plum awhile ago.
Measure the length of your triangles and then divide that length by 3. Mine were 6 inches long so each of my sections is 2 inches. I drew a {not so} straight line to mark off each section.
Then, I turned H loose with a paint brush to paint the different sections. I helped too because we were working on borrowed time while E took his nap. E + cups of paint = a giant mess that I didn’t want to clean up!
We painted 6 total. Once they were all dry, I took some twine I had and strung it through the holes in the triangles to create the banner. I tied knots at each of the holes to keep the triangles from shifting.
I am just finishing up the fall decorating in our house {hangs head in shame for being so far behind} so I wasn’t quite ready to hang this up yet. So, I got my two assistants to hold it up for me while I snapped photos.
Do you decorate for Halloween? If so, do you go with the dark and scary or the bright and fun?
This post is shared at the list of fabulous parties found here.

So cute Shannah!! Great idea with the MDF!
Thanks! I just had them hanging around from a prior order so was happy I could use them.
so cute!
Thanks, Mandy!
Shannah, this is just so adorable! I am a huge candy corn fan, so of course I love this! Pinning and sharing today! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Thanks! I love Candy Corn too! 🙂