Did you enjoy the holiday weekend? I hope so! It always seems like holidays are filled with yummy food and great times with family and friends. I, personally, wouldn’t have it any other way! July 4th, while not always filled with grand celebrations like, say, Christmas, seems to mark the beginning of summer in our household. The days are so long and, in our area, hot!
The hot weather makes me avoid the kitchen as much as possible. I try not to avoid cooking though. I just focus on cooking via different means than the stove or the oven when possible.
Sunday: I love fresh tuna but am really too cheap to pay full price for it at the store and we live too far away from the fresh fish market to have it regularly. I was super duper excited to see if on sale this week at my favorite grocery store!
Once I saw that, the hunt for a great recipe was on. Luckily, I stumbled on Grilled Lime-Soy Tuna with Rice Noodles in my search.
Monday: I think I will indulge the kid in me with PB&J (for grown-ups).
Tuesday: A few weeks ago, I was reading some posts on The Kitchn and came across a post about freezing meals during the summer time (you can read about it here). I’m a HUGE freezer meal gal in the winter but never really considered it for the summer. Last week in my free time (amazingly, I had some!), I threw together her taco meat and stashed it, portioned out, in my freezer. So, tacos it is!
Wednesday: I love to grill. Right now, I have a love/hate relationship with my actual grill because I love to grill but it is in serious need of some love making grilling a challenge so I kinda hate it right now. (Somewhere, H is saying “Mommy, hate is a bad word”). Korean BBQ Marinade sounds like a delicious way to perk up some chicken breast!
Saturday: I’m feeling pizza and this one sounds phenomenal: Spelt Pizza with Fennel, Proscuitto and Apples. I might even make an attempt at grilled pizza to take advantage of the outdoor cooking arena a little more.
What is on your menu for this week? Tried any of the past recipes I’ve shared?
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