Whew! We just keep getting busier! I started this past weekend with a date (more on that later!). I poured myself into bed after that fun so I would be geared up for the next day’s activities: H’s first soccer practice.
We got to the fields early and watched H’s friend, C, play for a little bit.
The end of their practice was marked by a parent tunnel for the kids.
This little guy missed all of that though. He was fast asleep.
With still some time to go before “official” practice, these two practiced a little bit with Mathlete.
Then, it was time for business. The kids all got their soccer t-shirts. First up was a game of tag.
Water break!
After a few more practice “games”, the kids split up and played a few three on three “rounds.”
Someone woke up for this action!
We successfully finished our first practice and the kids are excited for next week.
After soccer, we had lunch at Panera with some of friends from soccer and then headed home for nap time. Sadly, someone refused to nap in his crib and only wanted to sleep in his high chair. Snacks really are exhausting!
Sunday, while the men played their football game, I hopped in the car with Junior and went for a coffee run. 6 drinks later, we were on our way to pick up the guys and head to the
It was preview weekend at the fall festival so everyone got in for $5/person (under two was free!). I think there are two girls who are seriously excited!
The fall festival is filled with lots of fun. Farm animals, slides, and hay abound. It was pretty much a whirlwind so I will let most of the pictures speak for themselves.
When you exit the fall festival, each person gets a small pumpkin to take home. H always loves picking out the pumpkins.
So, in case you were wondering, that is how you spell exhaustion!
© 2012 Just Us Four. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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