DIY Kitchen Curtains
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I don’t sew. The only things I have ever sewn in my life were two pillows for home economics in school. That was back in middle school. One was square and one that was supposed to be a heart but looked more like a lumpy kidney.
Thankfully, I married into a family where sewing is like breathing…So, when I wanted new kitchen curtains, I knew exactly who to turn to. My mother in law came over with her sewing machine and we worked together to create some gorgeous DIY kitchen curtains.
We started with this gorgeous fabric. We measured the windows and sliding glass doors we would be making curtains for and then and cut the fabric to the length needed to fit the windows.
A good tip: when you are cutting, fold the fabric over and use it as a guide. It helps you get a straighter line.
We pinned the hems and then my mother in law started sewing the panels.
We made two full length panels for the sliders, a valance and a cafe curtain. {And, despite how these photos look, no we do not live in a cave!}
Sorry for the awful quality pictures but this is the hardest place to photograph.

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